Thursday, December 4, 2008

Day 1 of my 2nd trimester!!!

Ok here goes again, I just wrote a book & forgot to hit publish & lost everything i wrote!!! So i'm going to try to recreate!

Yeah!!!! the first trimester is over & i am ready for the nausea to leave & the energy to return!!! It was no piece of cake but i am thankful i was not super sick.

We had a doctor appt. on monday & got to hear Georgie's heartbeat!!! It was 169 beats per minute!!! That was really neat but not as wowing as the first ultrasound! I can't wait to see Georgie again especially since He/she has trippled in size!!! The next time we see him/her will be when we find out if it's a him/her!!! I can't wait!!!!!

We just finished up with Thanksgiving last week & Christmas is right around the corner. I can't help but think, everytime we have a family dinner, or i'm putting up lights, watching a traditional christmas cartoon, or buying presents, this time next year we will have a 6 month old to enjoy everything with! It will be so much fun!!!! (and a lot of work)

I just want to take the time to brag on Mr. Chris. He has been an amazing husband! Just the other day I came home from work really tired & feeling pretty bad. I told him I was sorry for coming home everyday feeling bad & thanked him for putting up with me. He said, "It's OK, it's not your fault, i'm the one who did it to you." as he is bringing me my supper b/c he has already commanded me to sit down & get off my feet. That is only one incident. I can't count all the times he has picked up my slack on housework, went out of his way to make sure i had apple juice, lemons, ice cream, & pineapple when i felt they would make me feel better. But the biggest thing he has done for me is Prayed for me. Every morning befor he leaves for work I'm slightly awoken by him standing over me praying for me & the baby. I just can't express what that means to me. I can only imagine how great a dad Chris will be.

Ok, i'm about to cry, so i'm gonna make sure to hit the post button this time so satan can't steal it again!

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Baby Carrigan 10 weeks old!

It's Wed. November 19th 2008 and today finalizes week 10 of my pregnancy. The last 5 weeks have been awesome! (Despite the nausea!) I have enjoyed all the excitement that our baby has already brought to our life!!!
After 9 years of marriage, you get use to just the two of you. It's amazing how quick your mindset on things already begin to change. It's no longer Chris & me anymore, it's the 3 of us now! So anything we do now or when we think to the future there is this new addition that we are ecstatic about having with us! We call him/her George or Georgina. Just to give him/her a nickname until we choose a real one. Some people use cute little names like pea dab, little bean, sweet pea, etc... But We Chose George!! No matter what the name, there is one thing for sure, he/she is loved beyond measure!