Showing posts with label zoo. Show all posts
Showing posts with label zoo. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 19, 2013

Ryder’s turns Two and Father’s Day!!

Sunday was such a BIG day for us!!  We celebrated Ryder turning 2 and Father’s Day.  We met up with some special friends at the Riverbanks Zoo in Columbia SC and had such a fun time!

I can’t believe Ryder is TWO!!!  Holy Time…slow down!!  I truly feel like he should still be a little bitty baby!  He is such a JOY to our family….he is a handful but he is constantly making us laugh!  I am going to do a separate post soon on just him and who he is as a 2 year old!

When we were buying our tickets to get in…we had a nice surprise.  Father’s got in FREE that day!!! Yay!


Ryder LOVES to “ride” things!! I’m pretty sure he got on every animal statue at the Zoo!


Kendall and Ryder were so cute walking in. Sweet friends!


Kendall is just the cutest!!  She and Ryder are 3 days apart and we were leaving the hospital the day we came in! 


Maddox likes to “ride” the animals too!


My Boys on Father’s Day!!!


I got a little worried when we first got there….the kids were more interested in playing in the bubbles than seeing the animals!


Notice the toy in Ryder’s hand….he carried it with him the whole time!  It was the toy of the day!


Maddox loving on the iguana!


I’m pretty sure the gorilla’s are my favorite!!


Giving Daddy loving!


Riding the elephant!


Giraffes are such an interesting animal.  I enjoyed standing and just marveling over their creation….thinking how detailed our God is!!


The Garden!


Ooops….Maddox…you aren’t supposed to pick the tomatoes!


We took the stroller for Ryder and he refused to ride in it.  Kendall loved pushing it around and Maddox enjoyed pushing Kendall in it!  So cute!


My boys are beyond blessed to have Chris as their Daddy.  He is an AMAZING father!!  He always puts family first!  I m so thankful that he is a praying Father and leads are family guided by Christ!  He has had a tremendously hard year but his faith is so strong he leans on it to get thru everyday….and you know it is only by God’s strength.  Thank You Chris for all you do!  You amaze me!!  We love you!!!


My family!!  (I had no idea until I saw this pic…that my shirt is a little sheer!)

We of course made a visit to the Gamecocks bookstore and Chris was in heaven for about 30 minutes!

When we got home I set up a little birthday table for Ryder.  We sang to him, he blew out his candle and we all enjoyed birthday cake!


Opening his present!


Such a fun day!!!  My heart was overflowing all day celebrating Chris and Ryder!!!  I am so blessed to have them in my life!!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Ryder is ONE!!!!

Saturday June 16th, my little Ryder turned ONE!!!  This has been the fastest year EVER!!!  It blows my mind that his first year has done come and gone.  One thing is for sure…I have enjoyed every second of it.  This little fellow has my heart and the joy he has brought into my life is unspeakable!

This is a pic from last Monday.  He opened his gifts from his party.  Somehow, we didn’t get the gift opening part fit into the party before everyone left. 


Me, Chris and Maddox woke him up singing Happy Birthday to him!!


Maddox giving him a birthday kiss!!


Getting ready to head to the zoo!!


On our way….


Maddox’s boo boo!!  He fell before we left the house and it caused some major drama!!!


Ryder’s new face he makes!!  It cracks me up!!!




We’re ready to see all the animals!!


The penguins were great!!!  We got to watch them get fed!!


Lunch time!!! Sweet Potatoes with apples and french fries!!  Anything goes when it’s your birthday!!IMG_0190IMG_0191IMG_0196IMG_0199


The kangaroos!!


Looking at the giraffes!


Maddox milking a cow!!


A sweet lady asked if we wanted a picture with all of us….it is such a blessing when by passers offer to do that!!


We took a little tour thru Columbia to check out all the Gamecock facilities!!  Chris took me by the baseball field, the stadium and we even stopped at the bookstore!  Ryder was worn out and fell asleep as soon as we got in the car…Bless!!



When we got home…we celebrated with pizza and cake!!  The birthday cake from Maddox and Ryder’s party never got cut.  I don’t know how that happen either!!  We had cupcakes so most everyone that wanted cake ate a cupcake and my Mom had brought another dessert.  So we wrapped each layer up and froze them….we are breaking them out this weekend for their actual birthdays!!


I threw a table display together last minute.  I remember I did this with Maddox when he turned ONE and wanted to do the same for Ryder….even though I’m sure he could care less.


Ryder wouldn’t keep his hat on for anything.  He loved the hat though…he would just laugh at it!!


What a fun memorable day we had celebrating Ryder’s big day!!!  I pray his second year goes by a little slower!!