The last few days have went by so fast!!! Everybody says that time goes by faster as you get older…I must be getting pretty old b/c time flies!! Wed, Thurs, and Friday, my neighbor Breanna stayed with us while her Mom was out of town and her Dad worked during the day. Maddox absolutely LOVED her being with us. I also enjoyed having her around, she is such a sweet and cute girl!! Wednesday, we took advantage of the $1 movie at Regal Cinema. I though that we could choose a new movie as long as it was rated G or PG but it ended up being an old movie. We watched Shrek 4. Maddox did good thru most of it, he started getting a little antsy toward the end, I don’t think he was as into the Shrek movie like he was Cars 2….I can’t much blame him!
Ryder is growing so fast!! Chris and I both held him and weighed ourselves. He weighed 11.4 with Chris and 11.2 lb with me. So I think it is safe to say, he weighs over 11 lbs now!! That means he has gained almost 5 lbs in 6 weeks. He is moving on out of his newborn clothes and into his 0-3 month clothes!! It is bitter sweet, I love big chunky babies but I don’t want him to grow up too fast!
Cute Breanna
How cute is this picture. The Children’s Place was having a great online sale last weekend so I ordered Maddox some clothes to get a head start on his fall/winter wardrobe. I got him these cute camouflage rain boots. He put them on and didn’t want to take them off. He was so funny trying to walk around in them, he is definitely not use to boots!
Breanna likes sitting at our bar, so of course Maddox wanted to sit there too. He looks like such a big boy!
Thursday we headed to the pool. Maddox did so good! We usually have to leave the pool around 2:30 so that Maddox can still get a nap in before it gets too late. Come 2:30, he was still being so good and playing in the water, I decided we would stay longer. Needless to say, he did not get a nap that day. We only had some slight meltdowns before bed time.
My precious friend Holly and her sweet kids came over too. I usually only get to really catch up with Holly about every 6 weeks, but we always pick up right where we left off! She has the biggest heart of anyone I know and is just so beautiful on the inside and out!! I love the positive energy she always has, it is contagious and It always feels good to spend time with her!!
sweet Jaydan
Holly’s son Cross…isn’t he a cutie!!
Ryder in his favorite position!! The tummy!!
He must be having a sweet dream!!
Friday we went back to the pool!! It was another great day getting to spend time with friends!
Keleigh, Ashleigh and Baby Elynd
Bre is just a little fish. She stayed in the water for hours!
Maddox was great on Friday but he started to have his meltdown a little sooner that day. Luckily I had a paci with me so he decided he would just lay out!! We are trying to break him of the paci. Most days we only give it to him at night and nap time, but sometimes it is a lifesaver and we just have to pop it in his mouth when needed!! ha!!
He was so tired he knocked out on the ride home, the no nap day from Thursday had caught up with him!! Andrea and Baby Taylor also joined us at the pool on Friday…I don’t know why I don’t have a pic!! Taylor is a cutie and we were so glad to see them!